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Walter Scott

Walter Scott
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Books by Walter Scott


Rob Roy (1995)

Scott was both a historian and novelist. He needs to be seen in the context of the historiographical background of the C18th Scottish Enlightenment. He was greatly influenced by the “conjectural” history propounded by Adam Smith and, most notably, Adam Ferguson, author of the “Essay on Civil Soci...

Rob Roy (1995) by Walter Scott

The Lady of the Lake (2005)

The only thing i read on my Romantic Literature MA that i gave a crap about. If you want Romantic poetry that defies Wordsworth, and his ever-so-tedious ilk, then this is the guy. Rock on Scotland, the progenitor of pissing people off. This poem is written with extensive notes; it is PIVOTAL that...

The Lady of the Lake (2005) by Walter Scott

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