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Walter Mosley

Walter Mosley
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Books: 28 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.81

Books by Walter Mosley


New York mordene (2010)

I love Walter Mosley books, but have a hard time with Leonid McGill books. He doesn't seem as well drawn as other Mosley characters. In this book Leonid McGill has several problems. He has decided to turn his life around and follow the straight and narrow. Therefore he cannot leave his wife, ...

New York mordene (2010) by Walter Mosley

Known to Evil (2010)

This is the 2nd book in the Leonid McGill series. This time around, McGill is investigating the disappearance of a young woman, in whom a prominent politician has a deep interest in. Within the 1st 50 pages, there is a double homicide, one of these homicides was intended for the missing woman, ...

Known to Evil (2010) by Walter Mosley

When the Thrill has gone (2000)

I love Walter Mosley, have read every book or listened to them except the sci first.not only is he a great writer, but his characters are so vivid --mouse, who is anything but, Socrates the ex killer who has become compassion itself, the strong women who save your life with voodoo when you're alm...

When the Thrill has gone (2000) by Walter Mosley

Merge / Disciple: Two Short Novels from Crosstown to Oblivion (2012)

This most versatile author,Walter Mosley,explores some intriguing questions in these two short novels: how would aliens communicate with us? Why would they bother? Would this communication be for our/their good or ill? Would we welcome them or exterminate them? Could they understand our society? ...

Merge / Disciple: Two Short Novels from Crosstown to Oblivion (2012) by Walter Mosley

Little Scarlet (2005) than a man of of mysteryWalter Mosley prefers 'literary' labelJenny Shank, Special To The NewsPublished July 16, 2004 at midnightOver the fourteen years of Walter Mosley's publishing career, during which he has turned out 19 books, Mosley has experienc...

Little Scarlet (2005) by Walter Mosley

Bad Boy Brawly Brown (2003)

OK, initial disclaimer; I'm a 63 year old White dude. Several years ago I saw the movie, "Devil in a Blue Dress," with Denzel Washington, a sort of mystery with a background of race relations and the Black experience during the late 40's I believe, with the character of Easy Rawlins introduced. G...

Bad Boy Brawly Brown (2003) by Walter Mosley

Fearless Jones (2004)

Terwijl Mosley naarstig verderwerkt aan zijn succesvolle “Easy Rawlins”-reeks (intussen 11 delen) die hem bekend maakte, benut hij blijkbaar elke andere beschikbare minuut om te werken aan nevenprojecten die uitblinken in diversiteit: een boek voor jongvolwassenen (zo’n onnozel label, ‘young adul...

Fearless Jones (2004) by Walter Mosley

Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned (1997)

I really enjoyed these short stories. They center around Socrates Fortlow (named Socrates because his mother thought it would make him smart), a convicted murderer now released from prison after 27 years. He lives in Los Angeles in a poor black neighborhood. He provides guidance for those who see...

Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned (1997) by Walter Mosley

Devil in a Blue Dress (2002)

Any mystery novel set in Los Angeles is going to get compared to Raymond Chandler, although Chandler was just pretty much taking Carrol John Daly and transplanting him to LA. I mention this because--historical novel, LA, private eye, noir genre--comparisons to Chandler are natural. But those ar...

Devil in a Blue Dress (2002) by Walter Mosley

A Red Death (2004)

Fair warning is due - it takes you a third of the way before this book takes fire and the ending (which shall not be revealed here) is the usual sub-Chandleresque rush of confused data that plays the same role, in this genre, as the 'deus ex machina' once did in courtly drama - BUT the core of th...

A Red Death (2004) by Walter Mosley

Fear Itself (2009)

I'm not a black man. Walter Mosley is, so I assume he's writing from experience and knows what he's talking about. As such, it's nice to read crime drama/detective stories with well-round portraits of black men and women, men and women that the reader can believe in. Having said that, I didn't kn...

Fear Itself (2009) by Walter Mosley

A Little Yellow Dog (2002)

“Alwéér Mosley?” Wel ja, ik hou niet zo van amuse-bouchekes. Als ik iets nieuws leer kennen – hetzij een band, een gerecht, een auteur – en het bevalt me, dan word ik gulzig, dan wil ik meer, dan wil ik het volledige palet geproefd hebben of op z’n minst weten waarover ik het heb als het eens ter...

A Little Yellow Dog (2002) by Walter Mosley

Gone Fishin' (2002)

In this book Easy and Mouse go back to his home town. This book goes back in time and catches you on these two and how their friendship came to be. This right before Mouse is going to get married and he believes his step dad owes him money from when his mother died. Easy doesn’t won’t to go but d...

Gone Fishin' (2002) by Walter Mosley

Fortunate Son (2006)

I finished "Little Yellow Dog" and immediately started another Mosley book, and another one after that, to the extent that tells you something. After finishing "Fortunate Son," I cast about for any book by any other author, to the extent that tells you something."Fortunate Son" is at once quintes...

Fortunate Son (2006) by Walter Mosley

Futureland (2002)

Nine short stories of horrifying science fiction, of a future that simply continues the problems of today with more advanced science. Each story provides a different look at this future society, and it isn't nice. It isn't a world in which I want to live, where your birth or lack of employment co...

Futureland (2002) by Walter Mosley

Cinnamon Kiss (2006)

Read more: Mosley’s critically acclaimed and worldwide success Devil In A Blue Dress, Cinnamon Kiss is a disaster of a book. Follow the link to read the whole review.Apart from a few spelling mistakes which I noticed in my own copy of the book, the writing wa...

Cinnamon Kiss (2006) by Walter Mosley

The Wave (2007)

I hadn't picked up a Walter Mosley book in about a decade, having read trough a few early Easy Rawlin's mysteries (Devil in a Blue Dress, White Butterfly etc...) but moved on. When I found this in a bookstore I couldn't resist seeing how Mr. Mosley would tackle science fiction.Early on I had a pr...

The Wave (2007) by Walter Mosley

The Man in My Basement (2005)

I noticed this book on display while I was browsing at a bookstore near my apartment, which happens to be a basement apartment. When I say ‘on display’, I mean that there was an index card affixed to the shelf under the book that designated it as the book of the month for the mystery book club, ...

The Man in My Basement (2005) by Walter Mosley

Black Betty (2002)

What a spectacular book! I have no idea how Walter Mosley does it! Once again, Walter Mosley has put together another one of his amazing mystery-crime novels, and this time, I think that he has done his absolute best so far. This man simply knows how to write mystery novels, and he does it in a w...

Black Betty (2002) by Walter Mosley

Blue Light (1999)

This is Hippie-culture wish fulfillment ("We're all cosmically connected, Man!" "We can totally live, like, as part of nature, Man!"), that morphs into into a psycho-killer drama, then ends with sci-fi-hippie-eco-superheroes going up against the bad guy. As the basis for the entire story, I found...

Blue Light (1999) by Walter Mosley

White Butterfly (2002)

My friends, this is why I review. Because some day, in a mere ten years, I'm going to innocently pick up this book and think, "hey, I should give this a try." About twenty pages in, I realized I had already read White Butterfly. I peeked at the resolution, and sure enough, I was right. Although, ...

White Butterfly (2002) by Walter Mosley

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