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Vikram Chandra

Vikram Chandra
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Books by Vikram Chandra


Love and Longing in Bombay (1998)

I bought Chandra's immense novel Sacred Games a little while ago. While it looks to be wonderful, I've been a bit intimidated by the sheer size of the thing. So this collection of five stories -- one short novel plus four in the novelette/novella range -- seemed a reasonable means of warming myse...

Love and Longing in Bombay (1998) by Vikram Chandra

Sacred Games (2007)

Rating: 3.5* of fiveThe Publisher Says: Seven years in the making, Sacred Games is an epic of exceptional richness and power. Vikram Chandra's novel draws the reader deep into the life of Inspector Sartaj Singh--and into the criminal underworld of Ganesh Gaitonde, the most wanted gangster in Indi...

Sacred Games (2007) by Vikram Chandra

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