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Victoria Vane

Victoria Vane
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Books by Victoria Vane


A Wild Night's Bride (2014)

Sparkling, funny and witty, this smart little novella is rather like the warm, friendly author Victoria Vane herself. This is a steamy, little gem of a book, not for the prudish as the content is definitely naughty. Because it is a fun read, it is hard to take seriously, even the hot love scenes ...

A Wild Night's Bride (2014) by Victoria Vane

A Breach of Promise (2011)

Lydia Trent is a young woman betrothed to a man she barely knows. Her fiancé, Marcus, Lord Russell, prefers the notion of a prospective wife more than the reality of being wed. But on Lydia’s betrothal night Marcus releases a passion locked within Lydia she was barely aware of. Once ignited this ...

A Breach of Promise (2011) by Victoria Vane

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