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Victor Lodato

Victor Lodato
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.15

Books by Victor Lodato


Mathida Savitch (2010)

Mathilda Savitch’s beautiful older sister Helene has been dead a year and she and her parents can’t get over it. Searching for some sort of closure, Mathilda breaks into Helene’s e-mail account and contacts one of Helene’s boyfriends, hoping he can provide answers to the mystery of Helene’s demis...

Mathida Savitch (2010) by Victor Lodato

Mathilda Savitch (2009)

Described as: A young girl trying to find out the secret of her sister's death. Well - that wasn't exactly true. It was the story of a very disturbed young girl in a totally dysfunctional family. It was confusing to follow her when she had so demented she didn't know where or why. She pushes ever...

Mathilda Savitch (2009) by Victor Lodato

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