This isn't a review of the book itself, but rather a sampler of its English translations. Since the ratio of English readers of Hugo to English translators of Hugo is perilously close to 1:1, I thought a quick taste test was in order, so I've whipped up this plateau d'amuse-gueules so that you ca...
إنها من تلك اللحظات التي تغلق فيها آخر صفحة من الكتابوتبقى ذاهلا مشدوها مما فيه ..!في البداية كنت أقضي خمس ساعات متفرقة في القراءةفقط لكي أنتهي، ثم أصبحت أقضي الساعات نفسها وزيادةرغبة في الاستمتاع وملاحقة سير الأحداث..قالت لي إحداهن: أنصحك بألا تضيعي وقتك في قراءة مثل هذا الهراءهذه الرواية لا تعد...
An age appropriate accounting of this fascinating story that uses concrete language to communicate the key plot points. There are some slight literary flourishes, though they are inconsistently done. Most notably, the book begins as if it is a letter written from Valjean to Cosette at the time of...
Even though Victor Hugo wrote a lot of novels, plays, essays, reviews, etc, etc, there are only three novels of his that are widely known. In order of widely-knownness, they are as follows. Les Miserables, Notre Dame de Paris, and The Toilers Of The Sea. I've read the first several times, of c...