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Vendela Vida

Vendela Vida
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.3

Books by Vendela Vida


De minnaars : roman (2010)

TLDR: an old woman travels out of country after her husband dies, meets a bunch of people, befriends a 10 year old boy who drowns, she travels again to meet his family without telling anyone in her family, she meets the boy's sister, and then somehow her previously drug-addicted daughter randomly...

De minnaars : roman (2010) by Vendela Vida

Rakastavat (2010)

I devoured this book! I love the crisp, deceptively simple style of writing Vendela Vida uses. This story, of a woman recently widowed, returning to the place of her honeymoon in Turkey, is sad, moody and very moving. It is, to me, a story of trying to move forward but having to get pulled back t...

Rakastavat (2010) by Vendela Vida

And Now You Can Go (2004)

I ended this book with rather mixed feelings. I'll say up front that of course I didn't want to like it, or, specifically, I didn't want to like Vida's writing, because I hate her self-aggrandizing, egotistical, greasy-headed special snowflake douchebag of a husband, and therefore by close associ...

And Now You Can Go (2004) by Vendela Vida

Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name (2007)

I’ve mentioned once or thrice that where I work we have constant book donations coming in, and before we add them to our collection I get to peruse them and take what I want to read. It’s a fringe benefit that has saved me hundreds of dollars. Anyways, the other day a box of books showed up on ...

Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name (2007) by Vendela Vida

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