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Valerie Martin

Valerie Martin
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Books by Valerie Martin


Italian Fever (2000)

Italian Fever was an enjoyable quick read (I read almost half of it in one evening!) about an American woman who has a romantic whirlwind adventure in Italy, with a bit of a gothic twist. The storyline was creative and well-constructed and the descriptions were vivid - I felt as if I were there i...

Italian Fever (2000) by Valerie Martin

Mary Reilly (2004)

”Are you afraid of yourself, Mary?” Master said.The room was silent about us, but for the clock ticking, which seemed to me loud of a sudden. I thought a long time might pass before I answered but Master and I would not know it, for we was both of us waiting to hear what I would say. At first I t...

Mary Reilly (2004) by Valerie Martin

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