I found Erebos by Ursula Poznanski to be a suspenseful fiction story that combines mystery with adventure. The main theme is probably Reality vs. a virtual world when Nick Dunmore, the main character, begins to have his normal life greatly affected from a game with a conscience. He notices many o...
El libro esta muy bien , esta entretenido, no es de esos libros que te picas y ya no puedes parar de leerlo, la trama está buena pero no sentí un gran interés en ella, fue como un libro para pasar el tiempo pero nada que digas wow, me encanto, esta bien pero también el final lo arruino TODO, si h...
Poznanski is an fantastic author and I absolutely loved "Erebos" and enjoyed "Saeculum". "Sveket" started out strong and really interesting. The world is well done and the characters really interesting. It looked like it was going to be as good as "Divergent" or "Delirium". But after about 100 pa...