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Tom Perrotta

Tom Perrotta
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Books by Tom Perrotta


Election (1998)

“The logistics of a high school election are no laughing matter. At the same time you’re educating your students about democracy, you’re working to safeguard the process against fraud. It’s sad but true: given half a chance, most kids will cheat to win. They’re a lot like adults in this respec...

Election (1998) by Tom Perrotta

Little Children (2005)

Due stelle e mezzo.Sono un po’ delusa. Dopo aver letto ”Intrigo scolastico” credevo di aver capito quali fossero i punti forti di questo autore: l’arguzia, l’ironia, la caratterizzazione precisa dei personaggi, la sua capacità di dipingere realisticamente eppure con fantasia e trovate originali g...

Little Children (2005) by Tom Perrotta

Joe College (2006)

Very good snap shot of life in college... and life in the 80's. Excellent smooth and quick writing style, but nothing penned Election, a great novel of high-school manners, Tom Perrotta gives us Joe College, a great novel about college mores. In 1982, one Yale junior strugg...

Joe College (2006) by Tom Perrotta

The Wishbones (1999)

So, I started a pretty thorough review of this book, but lost it to the ghosts of the internet. So, I'll do a briefer version. I just don't have the energy to bitch and moan about books any more.Despite the wicked words I'm going to use, I actually enjoyed Perrotta's book. It was a fun, trashy...

The Wishbones (1999) by Tom Perrotta

Bad Haircut: Stories of the Seventies (1997)

I picked this up a couple of years ago while browsing at NYC's Strand Book Store. I recognized the author’s name but had never heard of the book before and it looked intriguing. (Plus it was deeply discounted.) I wasn't disappointed.This is Perrotta’s first book – he’d go on to write acclaimed no...

Bad Haircut: Stories of the Seventies (1997) by Tom Perrotta

The Abstinence Teacher (2007)

This week I read the "New York Times Bestseller," The Abstinence Teacher, by Tom Perrotta. While not liking the book is one thing, hating it is another. I hated this book! I'm actually angry about it and it has been nearly a week since I pushed myself through it in two days. Two days is plenty of...

The Abstinence Teacher (2007) by Tom Perrotta

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