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Tim Winton

Tim Winton
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Books by Tim Winton


Cloudstreet (2002)

A different kind of book, this Cloudstreet. Its one of those books where one can identify with those who give it high praise as well as those who didn't care for it. I didn't find the storyline particularly compelling nor any of the characters. However, the book grew on me. I started trying to de...

Cloudstreet (2002) by Tim Winton

Dirt Music (2008)

When I think of Australia, I think of orange desert, furry animals, the ocean, snakes, big rocks, dirt roads, land, a LOT of land. As a country with one of the lowest population density, it is easy to fantasise about vanishing into the endless land ahead and leaving civilisation behind. It is not...

Dirt Music (2008) by Tim Winton

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