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Tim Gautreaux

Tim Gautreaux
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Books by Tim Gautreaux


The Clearing (2015)

Group Read: On the Southern Literary TrailComments: 'The Clearing' by Louisianan Tim Gautreaux has a lot going for it, but it also contains enough niggling disconnects and imbalances in plotting and character to make me wonder if the story itself was meant for the telling. Gautreaux excels with...

The Clearing (2015) by Tim Gautreaux

Welding with Children: Stories (2000)

All these stories were very entertaining, but “Sorry Blood” had me on the edge of my seat so to speak. I worried through most of the story about the old farmer with Alzheimer’s. When the old man was picked up by a stranger claiming to be his son, I was furious with the way he was being exploited....

Welding with Children: Stories (2000) by Tim Gautreaux

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