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Thomas M. Disch

Thomas M. Disch
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Books by Thomas M. Disch


The Priest (1995)

Hmmm. I find it interesting how 2 stars can mean different things to different books. In the case of The Priest, 2 stars is my way of saying - Hey! I finished you! You weren't completely horrible! But man, oh man, did you miss the mark!Here- we have a book that is just trying waaaay to hard to be...

The Priest (1995) by Thomas M. Disch

Echo Round His Bones (1979)

3.5 stars:This author was recommended to me, and I picked this novel because I liked the weird plot. It's about a matter transmitter that creates an "echo" of a person when they're transported. The echo-people can't communicate with the Real World, can only breathe transported air, etc. The story...

Echo Round His Bones (1979) by Thomas M. Disch

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