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T.G. Ayer

T.G. Ayer
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Books by T.G. Ayer


Dead Radiance (A Valkyrie Novel - Book 1) (2014)

I had some real issues with the time scale in this story. It reads that weeks has passed and then in the next paragraph it has barely been a day. Makes the study confusing.I really liked the Nidhogg as a character and its too bad he had such a short cameo in the novel and the quest doesn't take l...

Dead Radiance (A Valkyrie Novel - Book 1) (2014) by T.G. Ayer

Dead Radiance (2012)

This was an exciting novel with ancient Norse myth and modern day trouble. Bryn is an interesting girl, and I like how she made the transition from quiet loner to winged warrior. Though she is the reincarnation of Brunhilde, a famous Valkyrie, she doesn't just go Poof and suddenly she is all powe...

Dead Radiance (2012) by T.G. Ayer

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