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Ted Dewan

Ted Dewan
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Books by Ted Dewan


Back To The Divide (2004)

Reviewed by K. Osborn Sullivan for TeensReadToo.comAfter spending the previous summer in a magical world where humans are only a legend, Felix settles in back at home for a nice, normal life with his parents. During his trip to the magical world the previous year, Felix's heart condition had been...

Back To The Divide (2004) by Ted Dewan

Jinx On The Divide (2005)

--POSSIBLE SPOILERS--Not quite as good as the first two, but I still love it. I found the frequent switching of view points a little frustrating although Kay timed them perfectly; switching to a character I was just beginning to get curious about and neatly linking their different paths together....

Jinx On The Divide (2005) by Ted Dewan

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