What's so great about this book is that Smiley and West concentrate so many huge issues into a bigger picture narrative, woven into a history of poverty in this country, and highlighting ideas of where we can and NEED to go. You won't find details here so much as generalizations, with clear indic...
I was totally mesmerized...did a hard start and finish read today as we're honoring Dr. ML King Jr.'s birthday. The writing style was welcoming and evoked much in the way of a reality check and appreciation for MLK the man, husband, father, as well as his other life roles..but starkingly as prea...
DNF @20%This book was not doing what the title purported. There were no failures. There were just bloody moral lessons: be humble, don't cheat et al. *sigh* and because I paid attention only to the title and not to the author...that author, BET Tavis, ugh, if I had known...I was not prepared for ...