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Tama Janowitz

Tama Janowitz
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Books by Tama Janowitz


A Certain Age (2000)

I thought Tama Janowitz presented a myriad of details about life in New York City, which was the best aspect of this book. It was a satire, and it certainly shows how a woman was wasting her life trying to find a rich man to marry without developing anything within herself to sustain her. The u...

A Certain Age (2000) by Tama Janowitz

Slaves of New York (2005)

I think the best thing about this book might be the hilarious cover.Slaves of New York is a linked series of short stories which, while not adding up to a novel, are for the most part observant and fun takes on the art scene in New York City in the 1980s. Many of the characters are met once and n...

Slaves of New York (2005) by Tama Janowitz

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