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Suzanne Berne

Suzanne Berne
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Books by Suzanne Berne


A Crime in the Neighborhood (1998)

In the summer of '72, in the D.C. suburbs, 10 year old Marsha tires to make sense of a word that is becoming increasingly uncertain. On a national level, and in her neighborhood, a boy is molested and murdered. Throughout the summer Marsha watches the building hysteria in the neighborhood, and ...

A Crime in the Neighborhood (1998) by Suzanne Berne

The Ghost at the Table (2006)

I'm giving this book three and a half stars, although I'm not sure it deserves more than three. I enjoyed the story of two sisters who come together for Thanksgiving. Cynthia (the narrator) and Frances are more different than they are similar. They each battle their own demons and struggle to ...

The Ghost at the Table (2006) by Suzanne Berne

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