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Steven Johnson

Steven Johnson
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Books by Steven Johnson


Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (2010)

I really enjoyed this book. Johnson spins an intricate web of Gladwell-esque narrative proportion, but without making it so easy to read that one becomes bored. Most of the ideas put forth are excellent, though there are a couple that could be considered somewhat redundant. The concepts of liquid...

Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (2010) by Steven Johnson

The Invention of Air (2008)

A biography of Joseph Priestley, an Enlightenment-era Englishman who made significant contributions in science, theology and politics, at a time when all three were in flux. Priestley insights weren't perfect, as he held too long to faulty scientific assumptions (phlogiston theory) while prematur...

The Invention of Air (2008) by Steven Johnson

Dove nascono le grandi idee. Storia naturale dell'innovazione (2011)

Creativity is synonymous of innovation, change, Kuhn's paradigm shift, unexpected problem solving, generation of the new. The engine of creation is proper of nature and life, and it has also accompanied human evolution throughout, as it still does. Many an author, inventors, scientists and artist...

Dove nascono le grandi idee. Storia naturale dell'innovazione (2011) by Steven Johnson

How We Got to Now: The History and Power of Great Ideas (2014)

This is my favorite kind of book, blending two of my favorite topics, history and science. And it was translated into a PBS series. Does it get any better than that? In some ways, this reminds me a little bit of another series of books that were companions to a PBS series - Connections by James B...

How We Got to Now: The History and Power of Great Ideas (2014) by Steven Johnson

Everything Bad is Good for You (2006)

In Everything Bad is Good for You, Johnson attempts to de-bunk the popular narrative that the culture industry is making us stupider, by feeding us more and more banal television shows, video games, and movies. He argues for understanding a Sleeper Curve in popular culture that is actually making...

Everything Bad is Good for You (2006) by Steven Johnson

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