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Stephen Wright

Stephen Wright
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Books by Stephen Wright


Going Native (2005)

First thing's, as usual, first: despite what his Goodreads author page indicates, Stephen Wright the novelist is not the same individual as Steven Wright the deadpan stand-up comedian. It would be almost inconceivably awesome if this were the case, but it is not. I have Goodreads librarianship so...

Going Native (2005) by Stephen Wright

The Amalgamation Polka (2006)

It has been said by a number of people that the institution of slavery damages everyone involved in it. The slaves, obviously, are brutalized, but slave-owners suffer, too, whether they recognize it or not, for they must become brutes, and lose their humanity. This book is, among other things, an...

The Amalgamation Polka (2006) by Stephen Wright

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