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Stephen G. Michaud

Stephen G. Michaud
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Books by Stephen G. Michaud


Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest (2001)

It's pretty rare that my opinion of a book changes dramatically over the course of reading it. Sure, a book that starts off well can turn out to be less interesting as time goes on, or a bad beginning can be saved by an increasingly good plot. But it's far less common to be considering putting...

Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest (2001) by Stephen G. Michaud

The Evil That Men Do: FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood's Journey into the Minds of Serial Killers (2005)

It is certainly a good book if you like crimes and hearing about the specific cases and profiling behind those cases. I personally really like it, though I found myself having read it over the course of a year and not just sitting down and being able to read it in a few days, as it is under 300 p...

The Evil That Men Do: FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood's Journey into the Minds of Serial Killers (2005) by Stephen G. Michaud

Dark Dreams: Sexual Violence, Homicide And The Criminal Mind (2002)

This is my first real experience with true crime, read on a recommendation, and I really enjoyed this.The writing was informative and educational while still being very accessible to someone like myself whose knowledge of the topic comes pretty exclusively from fictional television programs and f...

Dark Dreams: Sexual Violence, Homicide And The Criminal Mind (2002) by Stephen G. Michaud

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