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Stephen Dobyns

Stephen Dobyns
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Books by Stephen Dobyns


The Church Of Dead Girls (1998)

This review of The Church of Dead Girls is a moderately long analysis I did on the book in an attempt to get at why I liked it so much as a reader and how I could emulate the parts that worked as a writer. As a result, what follows might be a little dry for some readers, since I'm reviewing from ...

The Church Of Dead Girls (1998) by Stephen Dobyns

Boy in the Water (2000)

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We got some work to do now. Oh wait, you mean this isn’t a new episode about that meddling gang from Mystery, Inc and their dog? Well damn, I must have been absent the day that memo was handed out because what we have here kiddies is a true-blue suspense story tha...

Boy in the Water (2000) by Stephen Dobyns

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