كان جورج اوريل لا ينفك يكرر في رائعته 1984 الاخ الكبير يراقبك لـكن من المؤكد ان شكل الاخ الكبير اليوم لم يخطر ببـاله ابـداً لـم يـعد يحتاج لجيوش العملاء والمخبريين الجرارة نحن نبعث لهم. بتقارير محدثة دقيقة فدقيةيعمل الرقميون على تفكيك تشابكنا تعقيداتنا وتحويلنا الى رموز ونماذج تدور في خورزمياتهم ...
The book The Numerati is basically a book about how math and numbers can actually influence and affect a person's life in everyday life for examples to workers, shoppers and etc. For workers, the employers can watch over you and use numbers to determine if they are efficient workers and rate them...
Quite interesting, put it suffers from a lack of depth. The author isn't an expert on the subject, but he tried to talk to many people who are. These people either couldn't divulge their trade secrets (like people from the NSA) or were doing things that were too complicated for the author to unde...