Having heard Arthur Machen influenced H.P. Lovecraft, I wanted to give him a try, and a short story book seemed to be the best way to do it.However, this work made me feel like I have the attention span of a pea. I don’t know if it’s the 19th century English or the neverending prose or even the f...
Como ya comentaba en 'El gran dios Pan y otros relatos de terror', el galés Arthur Machen fue una gran influencia para H.P. Lovecraft, llegando a utilizar éste algunos nombres y referencias en obras tan significativas como 'El horror de Dunwich'.Toda la obra de Machen está rodeada de ese halo mág...
READING, n. The general body of what one reads. In our country it consists, as a rule, of Indiana novels, short stories in "dialect" and humor in slang. REVIEW, v.t. To set your wisdom (holding not a doubt of it, Although in truth there's neither bone nor skin to it) ...