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Sophie Blackall

Sophie Blackall
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Books by Sophie Blackall


Ivy and Bean (2007)

I had heard so much about these books from kids. Last year, my son read all that he could get his hands on. My son's friends talk about them because their teacher is reading them to the class. They all say how much they love these books, how funny they are, how much they love when the teacher rea...

Ivy and Bean (2007) by Sophie Blackall

Ruby's Wish (2002)

An engaging historical story (a true account it seems, based on the childhood of Shirin Yim Bridges' own grandmother), Ruby's Wish tells the story of Ruby, a young Chinese girl growing up in a large household, where the enlightened patriarch (Ruby's grandfather) allows both girls and boys to be e...

Ruby's Wish (2002) by Sophie Blackall

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