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Sonia Soto

Sonia Soto
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Books by Sonia Soto


The Wind from the East: A Novel (2007)

A big, fat novel. I’d resisted her books without too much difficulty, although the English translations are all over the UK best-seller lists and the 3-for-2 bins in the chain bookshops. ‘More Iberian ardour’ [!!], said a Financial Times review of the fat novel in question, Los Aires Difíciles - ...

The Wind from the East: A Novel (2007) by Sonia Soto

The Oxford Murders (2006)

I would have never wondered that a movie from Hollywood could have been better than a novel by a writer from Argentina. Which is like saying that I prefer a McDonald's plastic-like burger to a succulent meaty asado. But, well, there's always a first time.For the big screen version of "The Oxford ...

The Oxford Murders (2006) by Sonia Soto

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