This book -- its characters, their thoughts, their daily concerns and ways of life -- spoke to me with a familiarity I didn't know I missed so much. Mr. House captures in the most delicate ways so many of the memories of my childhood. The joy gleaned from listening to records for hours on end, my...
Sometimes you just want a simple story. You read a book and it's so lyrical and bewitching that you can't seem to put it away. And when you do, the story calls to be picked back up. This was one of those books. Simple, sensuous prose and a strong "voice."In the prologue you get to see the mysteri...
A beautiful story of the bonds that bind us to family and the land we grow up on. Silas House's writing possesses a quality that makes it lyrical and raw, and the story is realistic - My favorite passages are included below:"She didn't feel an empty place inside herself because she had barely ven...
A slice of life from the mountains of Kentucky. Really reads like a love letter to the people who live in those hills. In a way, nothing much happens, while everything happens. Love happens, love is destroyed, new life is created, life is destroyed. The important things are love, family, religion...