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Shūsaku Endō

Shūsaku Endō
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.66

Books by Shūsaku Endō


The Samurai (1997)

Excellent HF book based on a true story: the voyage of four Japanese envoys in the early XVIIth century to Nueva España, Spain and Rome, and from there all the way back to their homeland. The story is told from two PoV: Rokuemon Hasekura, a samurai whose family eagerly want to have their lands ba...

The Samurai (1997) by Shūsaku Endō

The Golden Country (2003)

I first read Shusaku Endo’s novel “The Sea and Poison” and this was my second encounter with him, as a play, and I found it manageably readable because I rarely read plays and it is quite impossible to compare reading the novel with the play. I think the play has primarily been written for actors...

The Golden Country (2003) by Shūsaku Endō

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