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Shirley Hazzard

Shirley Hazzard
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Books by Shirley Hazzard


The Great Fire (2004)

Imagine if Jane Austen had returned to travel the world in the mid-20th century and to read novelists like Henry James, E.M. Forster and Graham Greene. What might she have written? Something like Shirley Hazzard's ''The Great Fire''? Austen lived through a turbulent era, when the Napoleonic wars ...

The Great Fire (2004) by Shirley Hazzard

The Transit of Venus (2006)

First published in 1980, this is how it is described on the Virago website: "Caro, gallant and adventurous, is one of two Australian sisters who have come to post-war England to seek their fortunes. Courted long and hopelessly by young scientist, Ted Tice, she is to find that love brings passion,...

The Transit of Venus (2006) by Shirley Hazzard

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