If you haven't read the first two instalments don't bother trying to get your head around what has gone on in the past and who are all these people.?Amy wasn't the main character in this part three of the series. This let the novel drift around other family members aimlessly.Sarah coming late int...
This is a fantastic piece of rural life in NZ during the 1800's. I love the characters (Most of them, not Suzanna though, or Mr Stewart.) Amy is such an amazing kid- come adult too early. I fell in love with her and her cooking, and her amazing abilities. I found myself amazed at the expectati...
Started out a bit troublesome with Amy marrying Charlie, who was abusive. After, two kids, several miscarriages and lots of abuse..Amy finally decided no more. She would continue being a good wife but only if that meant no sex and violence. Charlie, agreed! Just when things seemed to be going we...
For me this book didn't have the same impact as the Promises to Keep series, although some of the characters from that story made their appearance here. I wondered if the author couldn't bear to let Amy go, and this was a way to keep her, although switching to a new main character. The problem fo...