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Sharon Hamilton

Sharon Hamilton
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Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.87

Books by Sharon Hamilton


Accidental SEAL (2000)

Try as I might, I couldn't finish the book. After one encounter the heroine basically went into stalker mode, going to the restaurant they ate at, asking his friends about him etc (after he told her that one night was all they would have because of course him being a guy he freaked out over their...

Accidental SEAL (2000) by Sharon Hamilton

Fallen SEAL Legacy (2012)

I have read and listened to the audio of this book, my review will reflect the audio as well.Sharon writes wonderful action stories that keep you on the edge of your seats with your mouth hung open saying NO WAY. She puts humor, laughter along with wonderful passion and love into her stories. Yo...

Fallen SEAL Legacy (2012) by Sharon Hamilton

SEAL Under Covers (2000)

Wow, Sharon Hamilton does NOT disappoint! The third book in the series and I am revving up to read the next. Sharon has an amazing way of writing that leads you into the story and maintains the intrigue and suspense needed to keep you going. This story has Armando as being an amazing hero to his ...

SEAL Under Covers (2000) by Sharon Hamilton

SEAL Encounter (2000)

I got this as a free read on Amazon some time ago and just got to read it. It’s a good opening to the series. A shorty read that gives us a nice tease of what’s to come. A definite must read for anyone planning to read the Seal Brotherhood series.In Seal Encounter we are introduced to its charact...

SEAL Encounter (2000) by Sharon Hamilton

SEALs of Summer (2014)

The first book in this boxed set surprised me a little, as I pretty much stick to mysteries. I decided to try something different. I like a little romance, but this was far beyond my normal reading style. However, I did enjoy each and every book. My favorites were E-Mail Order Bride, Coming In ...

SEALs of Summer (2014) by Sharon Hamilton

Honeymoon Bite (2000)

"Help me find the true love of my life. Help me bring to him all the love that still lives in my soul. Please let me remember the magic and power of this place. Anne."I loved it! It's full of emotions from the start to the end! I don't know what people want to expect but this story was different ...

Honeymoon Bite (2000) by Sharon Hamilton

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