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Sergei Dovlatov

Sergei Dovlatov
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Books by Sergei Dovlatov


Pushkin Hills (2014)

"I'm fed up with standing in line for all kinds of junk. I'm fed up with wearing stocking with holes. I'm fed up with getting excited about beef sausages... What's holding you back? The Hermitage, the Neva River, birch trees?" "I couldn't care less about birch trees." "Then what?" "Language...

Pushkin Hills (2014) by Sergei Dovlatov

The Zone: A Prison Camp Guard's Story (1985)

The guard narrator drops in on Security Officer Bortashevich, intending to ask what kind of trouble is reputedly brewing in one of the prisoner barracks.“Gud ivning,” Bortashevich said, “good thing you showed up. I’m wrestling with a philosophical question -- why do we drink? Let’s suppose, as ...

The Zone: A Prison Camp Guard's Story (1985) by Sergei Dovlatov

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