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S.E. Hinton

S.E. Hinton
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Books by S.E. Hinton


The Outsiders (1988)

Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.***********The Outsiders is a book about sensitive teenage boys who alternately get into gang fights, hug one another, and burst into tears. They also spend more time than you might expect ruminating on how the tightness of a t-shirt might enhance the rippling muscul...

The Outsiders (1988) by S.E. Hinton

Taming the Star Runner (1989)

Basically what this book was about is the main character Travis who lives in the hood he's good looking tall and has his own little group he is real close with them, he kives at home with his mother and his step father Stan who he has never liked. Travis has a secret he never told anyone which is...

Taming the Star Runner (1989) by S.E. Hinton

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