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Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips
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Books by Scott Phillips


The Ice Harvest (2001)

I like me a good down and dirty crime novel as much as I like just about any other read. No one is going to mistake Scott Phillips’ The Ice Harvest for great literature any time soon, and that’s a shame because books this enjoyable often get overlooked by the literati. This crime noir moves fast ...

The Ice Harvest (2001) by Scott Phillips

Hop Alley (2014)

In early September, I finished Hop Alley by Scott Phillips. Hop Alley is a sequel of sorts to Phillips’ 2004 novel, Cottonwood. Cottonwood takes place in the town of Cottonwood Kansas, a small town in southeastern Kansas, in 1872. My interest in that novel was due to the fact that it told the sto...

Hop Alley (2014) by Scott Phillips

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