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Samuel Richardson

Samuel Richardson
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Books by Samuel Richardson


Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded (2001)

I encountered Samuel Richardson's Pamela many years ago as part of my History of the Novel module at university. I was introduced to some great works through that course, and there are two reasons I am grateful for being introduced to this; mostly, because it was the first year the class had read...

Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded (2001) by Samuel Richardson

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady - Volume 1 (of 9) (2012)

Ooookay... so Volume 1 of 9. Here is a quick synopsis of nearly 200 pages:Clarissa (with the back of her hand pressed to her forehead in classically melodramatic style): "I shant! I shant marry Mr. Solmes. Please just let me be single!"Various family members: "Why must you be so obstinate and spo...

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady - Volume 1 (of 9) (2012) by Samuel Richardson

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady - Volume 2 (of 9) (2012)

I will use Samuel Richardson's own words to sum up my opinion so far of Clarissa:"So little variation! and no concession on either side!"This quote came about 85% through Volume 2, and I couldn't agree more. Volume 2 has been (sadly) Volume 1 repeated with very little of interested added to the p...

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady - Volume 2 (of 9) (2012) by Samuel Richardson

Clarissa; Or, the History of a Young Lady - Volume 3 (of 9) (2012)

Ran out of room, so moved house again. Richardson, I write too much. Unlike Richardson, I do not own my own printing press. Update 12/10The end continues to be nigh. Clarissa is buried, her long-ass will has been read, and Lovelace’s friends are trying...

Clarissa; Or, the History of a Young Lady - Volume 3 (of 9) (2012) by Samuel Richardson

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