In extrem kurzen Kapiteln folgt der Erzähler seinen Figuren entlang verschiedener legendärer amerikanischer Highways. Das On-the-Road-sein bezieht sich u. a. auf Kerouac und spiegelt sich in aneinandergereihten Erlebnissen in Motels, Diners und Cafés. Manche Figur vollzieht eine Reise in die eige...
The friend who gave me this book gave it one star and described it as a cheap non-"The Road" Cormac MCarthy knockoff. As I haven't read anything by McCarthy besides "The Road", I can't comment. I'm far more familiar with Shepard as a dramatist than a book author, and his dramatic ear for distilla...
"The lamb is back in the kitchen in a fence enclosure. Weston is talking to the lamb. "No lamb has had it any better. It’s warm and free of draft, now that I got the new door up. No coyotes. No eagles. Should I tell ya something about eagles? True story? Once I was out in the fields doing the cas...
May, Eddie, and the Old Man are on stage when the lights come up—the Old Man separated physically from May and Eddie either on a different platform or another dividing convention of the set. In a low-budget motel room on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert where May has been living, Eddie and May ...