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Sam Lipsyte

Sam Lipsyte
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Books by Sam Lipsyte


Home Land (2005)

God damned brilliant.I wish there were more books like this--literary comedies that are at once laugh-out-loud funny, phraseologically intricate, and resonant on the level of the emotions and the psychology and the whatnot. Let's face it, Catamounts: most good writers aren't funny, and most funny...

Home Land (2005) by Sam Lipsyte

Venus Drive (2000)

Here's a mini-review of each of the stories collected in Venus Drive.Old SoulLipsyte's poignant 30-something dream fog account of perversion, replete with the clipped sentences and hard imagery of Burrhoughs, is brought to the loser set, a sort of Bret Easton Ellis for working class New Jersey.Cr...

Venus Drive (2000) by Sam Lipsyte

The Subject Steve (2002)

A few weeks ago, a musician friend of mine was strolling through San Francisco with a recording device in his pocket, occasionally turning it on to capture street noise to splice into electronic music.Down the street, a woman and man were arguing loudly, attracting a crowd. "Jackpot," the musicia...

The Subject Steve (2002) by Sam Lipsyte

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