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Ruth Chew

Ruth Chew
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Books by Ruth Chew


What the Witch Left (1993)

One boring rainy afternoon, Katy and her friend Louise are hanging out in Katy's bedroom when Louise becomes curious about what is in the chest of drawers stored there. The first three drawers yielded not really interesting, but the bottom, fourth drawer was locked and Katy, as explained to Loui...

What the Witch Left (1993) by Ruth Chew

No Such Thing as a Witch (1990)

When I was a child I had most, if not all, of Ruth Chew's books. I must have really enjoyed them as I kept buying them. But at some point, unlike many of my favorite children's books, I got rid of all the Chew books so I must have recognized they weren't quite on the same level as some of the c...

No Such Thing as a Witch (1990) by Ruth Chew

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