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Rosemary Wells

Rosemary Wells
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Books by Rosemary Wells


Die Rätselhafte Reise des Oscar Ogilvie (2010)

What began as nicely written historical fiction set in the Great Depression, became a time travel fantasy that rather put me off. However, I persevered and did enjoy the story. Oscar and his dad lose everything, Dad goes to California in search of work and Oscar must stay with a rather strict aun...

Die Rätselhafte Reise des Oscar Ogilvie (2010) by Rosemary Wells

On the Blue Comet (2010)

One day in a house at the end of Lucifer Street, on the Mississippi River side of Cairo, Illinois, eleven-year-old Oscar Ogilvie’s life is changed forever. The Crash of 1929 has rippled across the country, and Oscar’s dad must sell their home—with all their cherished model trains—and head west in...

On the Blue Comet (2010) by Rosemary Wells

Lincoln and His Boys (2008)

This book I 'happened' upon due to Rosemary Wells writing the very popular "Max and Ruby" children's books. I thought that President Lincoln is a FAR stretch from Max and Ruby so my curiosity go the better of me. It's a chapter book written very well. Each chapter is written from either Willie or...

Lincoln and His Boys (2008) by Rosemary Wells

Charlotte's Web (2001)

Lo and behold, my young student lent me – although I abhor to do so- this in tatters considering that I am now finicky about book covers. I prefer pristine books to crispy ones since I would love to build my own private library someday where in I would definitely hole up reading the books...

Charlotte's Web (2001) by Rosemary Wells

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