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Ron Hansen

Ron Hansen
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Books by Ron Hansen


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (1997)

I'm giving this a 4 out of 5 stars because of the amazing writing. There are a lot of folks who think that is all that a book should be. They just give it a pass. But I will always be a reader who needs a plot. This has a plot but it goes along at a plodding pace, and I don’t care how beautiful t...

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (1997) by Ron Hansen

Atticus (1997)

My students selected this book for one of their lit circle books and I hadn't read it (based on a librarian's recommendation who I am friends with) so I had to read it fast! I am not familiar with Hansen's work and found myself underlining sentences and phrases as applicable to this old person'...

Atticus (1997) by Ron Hansen

Nebraska (1994)

The verbs in this thing! The magnificent and effortless similes! My god! Congratulations, Ron Hansen--with Nebraska, you've earned your place among my favorite short story writers, alongside Tobias Wolff, Alice Munro, and Jim Shepard."Wickedness" comes blazing out of the gate, a swirling (no pun ...

Nebraska (1994) by Ron Hansen

You've Got to Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe (1994)

just received this from Paul Bryant - thanks. It's massive (600 big p) - I can see this taking up most of February. Looks tasty, but the Biblical style of the book (Awe), the weight, puts me off reading it in public. a bunch of fantastic stories on the whole. Will do a proper review soon. (Tomorr...

You've Got to Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe (1994) by Ron Hansen

Hitler's Niece (2000)

“Oh Hitler!”“Oh Geli – meine kleine gehaltenmitgemütlichemkirchenkunsterschwartzeweldekirschtorte, is that a hard or a soft G?”“It’s hard. But the rest of me is soft, so soft, mein Fuhrer. You know my name rhymes with gaily, which is an English word meaning happily.”“Mine rhymes with whittler wh...

Hitler's Niece (2000) by Ron Hansen

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