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Robert Nye

Robert Nye
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Books by Robert Nye


Beowulf: A New Telling (1982)

The monster Grendel… a big and slimy creature that moves in on his prey in sheer silence. He has threatened Heorot, the huge Hall King Hrothgar built full of treasures and light. Grendel isn’t a fan of light. He wants all light to be destroyed and engulfed in darkness. Each night he comes back to...

Beowulf: A New Telling (1982) by Robert Nye

The Late Mr. Shakespeare (2001)

Nye is a poet and novelist who has written a number of works of historical fiction, including two related to William Shakespeare. This bawdy yet erudite tale proports to be a biography of the playwright by one of the actors in his troupe of players, written some decades after the master’s passing...

The Late Mr. Shakespeare (2001) by Robert Nye

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