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Robert Kurson

Robert Kurson
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Books by Robert Kurson


Shadow Divers (2015)

Ich habe als Kind mit Begeisterung die Comic-Reihe um den Meeresforscher Jean-Jaques Cousteau verschlungen. Am besten haben mir dabei immer die Tauchgänge der Calypso-Crew gefallen. Dieser Enthusiasmus hat leider mit meinem ersten eigenen Tauchgang vor Gili Trawangan (Indonesien) rapide nachgelas...

Shadow Divers (2015) by Robert Kurson

Crashing Through: A True Story of Risk, Adventure, and the Man Who Dared to See (2007)

This book is about a guy named Mike May who was blinded at the age of three, lived an aggressively full life, and then, in his forties, got a cutting-edge corneal transplant and saw for the first time in decades. The book was great on three levels:One, you get to see a blind man living life to th...

Crashing Through: A True Story of Risk, Adventure, and the Man Who Dared to See (2007) by Robert Kurson

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