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Robert Graysmith

Robert Graysmith
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Books by Robert Graysmith


Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America's Most Elusive Serial Killer Revealed (2007)

Thank whatever gods may be that this is finally over. The weeks I spent slugging through this I couldn't stop thinking that I could be reading something else! To begin with, let's give the devil his due...Robert Graysmith knows a LOT about the Zodiac killer. Probably more than anyone. He has pour...

Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America's Most Elusive Serial Killer Revealed (2007) by Robert Graysmith

Amerithrax: The Hunt for the Anthrax Killer (2003)

This book was written before they "caught" the suspect who killed himself and they suspiciously closed the case. The good aspect of this book pertains to the multiple details regarding the case. They bad aspect of this book is that the author frequently goes off on tangents in which whole chapte...

Amerithrax: The Hunt for the Anthrax Killer (2003) by Robert Graysmith

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