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Robert C. O'Brien

Robert C. O'Brien
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Books by Robert C. O'Brien


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (2003)

This YA story of sentient animals is a gem! Mrs. Frisby, a field mouse, lives with her four children on the prosperous farm of Mr. Fitzgibbon. During the winter, the family lives in a cinderblock in a field. Just before the Fitzgibbons plow the field in preparation for spring planting, the mou...

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (2003) by Robert C. O'Brien

Z for Zachariah (1976)

This is the first time I've ever been tempted to utilize that "hide review because you're a big fat blabbermouth who can't talk about a book without ruining it for others" function. But the fact is, it's important for a reader of Z For Zachariah to be surprised by the nature of the stranger who s...

Z for Zachariah (1976) by Robert C. O'Brien

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