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Robert Anton Wilson

Robert Anton Wilson
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Books by Robert Anton Wilson


Masks of the Illuminati (1981)

There's really only one vein of Wilsonerei, and you either like it or you don't. I do. RAW was one of my major influences.As a member of the species, Masks of the Illuminati is less deep and heartwrenching than the Illuminatus! trilogy, but more sound and interesting than Prometheus Rising. Thi...

Masks of the Illuminati (1981) by Robert Anton Wilson

The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid/The Golden Apple/Leviathan (1983)

A sprawling, many-faceted, satirical series, Illuminatus! is difficult to rate and more difficult to review. There are so many aspects which one could address, so many points of divergence, ideas, philosophies, and influences, but at it's heart, it's a rollicking adventure story that, despite it'...

The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid/The Golden Apple/Leviathan (1983) by Robert Anton Wilson

Prometheus Rising (2010)

At the time I was reading this, several things happened in the news that, to me, were synchronized enough to shift perspectives (vantage points, viewpoints, worldviews, positions, etc. otherwise referred to as "reality tunnels" by the author,) in the country, if not globally. And they all seemed ...

Prometheus Rising (2010) by Robert Anton Wilson

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