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Rita Arens

Rita Arens
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Books by Rita Arens


Sleep Is for the Weak: The Best of the Mommybloggers Including Amalah, Finslippy, Fussy, Woulda Coulda Shoulda, Mom-101, and More! (2008)

I got hold of this book because I am a fan of Alice Bradley's "Finslippy" book, and I guess I was looking for more of the hilarious, self effacing work of Alice and hopefully her friends.Some of the other writings in this compilation made me laugh, a few were very poignant and others woke that se...

Sleep Is for the Weak: The Best of the Mommybloggers Including Amalah, Finslippy, Fussy, Woulda Coulda Shoulda, Mom-101, and More! (2008) by Rita Arens

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