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Rick Bass

Rick Bass
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Books by Rick Bass


Nashville Chrome (2010)

This book was chosen by my bookclub. It's doubtful I would have read it otherwise. Though there were some interesting parts, overall I really struggled with the author's style. The third person Omniscient Narration made it hard for me to get attached to any of the characters. The almost total lac...

Nashville Chrome (2010) by Rick Bass

The Diezmo: A Novel (2005)

This is a war book, but not in a "black hawk down" way. It's a history book, but not in the "four score and seven years ago" way. It is a wilderness book but not in the "look at all the beauty of nature" kind of way. For some readers, this may seem to drag on a bit, but for me, the Epilogue ga...

The Diezmo: A Novel (2005) by Rick Bass

In the Loyal Mountains (1997)

I. In Which I Extol the Virtues of SolitudeThe last few winters I’ve been living alone in a house on a hillside in the north of Thimphu valley, way outside the city. The house is almost at the edge of the forest, and no people live around me. Once in a while when it snows the mud track to the hou...

In the Loyal Mountains (1997) by Rick Bass

The Hermit's Story: Stories (2003)

I have read this collection of short stories twice, and two of the stories several times. I'm not sure why the alchemy happens between an author's words and a reader, but Rick Bass is one writer who I seem to connect with more often that not. These stories are quiet, even when they are adventurou...

The Hermit's Story: Stories (2003) by Rick Bass

Where the Sea Used to Be (1999)

One of my favorite short stories is Rick Bass, “Where The Sea Used To Be.” Some days I don’t qualify it; I don’t say “one of,” it’s just my favorite story. Other days, another Rick Bass story is fresh in my mind so I get around it and say “one of.”This is the novel, by Rick Bass, by the same name...

Where the Sea Used to Be (1999) by Rick Bass

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