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Richard Yates

Richard Yates
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Books by Richard Yates


Revolutionary Road, the Easter Parade, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness (2009)

Fashioning Himself a Hero: Death of Another SalesmanThe Laurel Players is an amateur theater group with high hopes of establishing a loftier cultural standard in their Connecticut suburb, but their short-lived attempt to put on a play is an utter failure. This sets the tone for the rest of the bo...

Revolutionary Road, the Easter Parade, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness (2009) by Richard Yates

The Collected Stories (2002)

I identify so deeply with the writing of Richard Yates and am ashamed to just now read his collected stories. Sure, I've read many of them in anthologies and of course Easter Parade and Revolutionary Road. To read the stories is to admit that Yates drew the bulk of his material from his life expe...

The Collected Stories (2002) by Richard Yates

Disturbing the Peace (1984)

RICHARD YATES OP WEG NAAR HET EINDEGenadeloos wist Richard Yates in zijn boeken de zelfkant van de Amerikaanse samenleving in beeld te brengen. Niet door de ogen van een buitenstaander maar van binnenuit opgetekend. In het aangrijpende Een geval van ordeverstoring ging hij nog een stap verder.Het...

Disturbing the Peace (1984) by Richard Yates

Revolutionary Road (2001)

As any lover of the arts knows, an artist's reputation depends not only on what society thinks of their work, but also what they think of it over the passage of time, with many creative professionals' careers dipping up and down over the decades based on changing trends and tastes. Take American ...

Revolutionary Road (2001) by Richard Yates

Young Hearts Crying (1986)

Dear Richard Yates,I made sure to finish reading your novel Young Hearts Crying in time for your birthday. It’s now the February 3, and dude, if you were alive, you’d have been 84. 84, man, ain’t that swell? Anyway. Happy happy happy birthday to you. I hope you’re having a grand ol’ time wherever...

Young Hearts Crying (1986) by Richard Yates

A Good School (2001)

and another half star for good measure because, without a doubt, richard yates is one of the best prose writers america has seen in the last 50 years. however, "a good school" is a testament to the debilitating power of alcoholism. with "revolutionary road" and "eleven kinds of loneliness", yates...

A Good School (2001) by Richard Yates

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