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Richard M. Nixon

Richard M. Nixon
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Books by Richard M. Nixon


Six Crises (Richard Nixon Library Editions) (1990)

History according to Richard Nixon. This was Nixon's first book, written in 1961 after his eight year tenure as Vice President had come to an end. Nixon talks about the six major crises that he had experienced in his political life up to that time:1) The Alger Hiss perjury case2) The Checkers Spe...

Six Crises (Richard Nixon Library Editions) (1990) by Richard M. Nixon

Real Peace (1984)

I’ve read a lot of books about Richard Nixon. He’s a fascinating character, intelligent, resourceful, and, ultimately because of his faults, one of the most human presidents the United States has ever had. But with “Real Peace,” I read my first book by Richard Nixon.It’s an eye-opener, more fully...

Real Peace (1984) by Richard M. Nixon

No More Vietnams (1985)

I read this book immediately following reading McNamara's in retrospect, and I think the book givse more answers to the war and showed that Nixon was the only vietnam-era president who fought the war smartly. His invasion of Cambodia was justified to break communist strongholds in Cambodia, and h...

No More Vietnams (1985) by Richard M. Nixon

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