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Richard Hooker

Richard Hooker
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Books by Richard Hooker


M*A*S*H Goes to Maine (1973)

"M*A*S*H Goes to the Maine" is the first sequel to the novel, "M*A*S*H". It is also the first of the 13 "M*A*S*H Goes to" books and the only one Richard Hooker (Dr. Richard Hornberger) actually had a hand in writing. (The next twelve books would be written by William E. Butterworth, though Hooker...

M*A*S*H Goes to Maine (1973) by Richard Hooker

MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors (1997)

This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing (no 'rithmatic!), movies, & TV. Blog reviews often contain links which are not reproduced here, nor will updates or modifications to the blog review be replicated here. Graphic and children's reviews on the blog ...

MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors (1997) by Richard Hooker

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